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2017 Wolf Prize

2017-1-10 16:02| 发布者: 博士家园| 查看: 1196| 评论: 0|原作者: math1

摘要: Laureates of 2017Wolf Prize in Arts and Sciences were announced Wolf Prize in Chemistry will be granted to Professor Robert.G. Bergman from Berkley university in California, USA – For the discovery ...
Laureates of 2017  Wolf Prize in Arts and Sciences were announced

Wolf Prize in Chemistry will be granted to Professor Robert.G. Bergman from Berkley university in California, USA – For the discovery of the activation of C-H bonds of hydrocarbons by soluble transition metal complexes.

Wolf Prize in Mathematics will be shared by two laureates: Professor Richard Schoen from Stanford university, USA and Professor Charles Fefferman from Princeton university, USA – For their striking contributions to analysis and geometry.

Wolf Prize in Physics will be shared by two laureates: Professor Michel Mayor from University of Geneva, Switzerland and Professor Didier Queloz from Cambridge, UK and University of Geneva, Switzerland- for the first discovery of an exoplanet orbiting a solar-type star.

Wolf Prize in Medicine will be granted to Professor Jim Allison from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center- for Sparking a revolution in cancer therapy through (his) discovery of immune checkpoint blockade.

Wolf Prize in Arts will be shared by two laureates: Lawrence Weiner and Laurie Anderson from New York, USA, for the radicalism and avant-garde at the core of their work, and for inspiring generations to come.
Richard Schoen Winner of Wolf Prize in Mathematics - 2017
Richard Schoen
The jury panel of the 2017 Wolf Prize in Mathematics  has unanimously decided to award the prize to Professor Charles Fefferman & professor Richard Schoen. For their striking contributions to analysis and geometry.

Richard Schoen has been a pioneer and a driving force in geometric analysis.
His work on the regularity of harmonic maps and minimal surfaces had a lasting impact on the field. His solution of the Yamabe problem is based on the discovery of a deep connection to general relativity. Through his work on geometric analysis Schoen has contributed greatly to our understanding of the interrelation between partial differential equations and differential geometry. Many of the techniques he developed continue to influence the advance of non-linear analysis.
Charles Fefferman Winner of Wolf Prize in Mathematics - 2017

Charles Fefferman has made major contributions to several fields, including several complex variables, partial differential equations and subelliptic problems. He introduced new fundamental techniques into harmonic analysis and explored their application to a wide range of fields including fluid dynamics, spectral geometry and mathematical physics.  This had a major impact on regularity questions for classical equations such as the Navier-Stokes equation and the Euler equation. He solved major problems related to the fine structure of solutions to partial differential equations.

http://www.wolffund.org.il/index ... 42&language=eng






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