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2017-10-10 09:35| 发布者: 博士家园| 查看: 1724| 评论: 0|原作者: math1

摘要: 近日,美国数学及其应用学会(Institute for Mathematics and its Application,IMA)宣布,将今年的IMA奖授予美国杜克大学数学系副教授鲁剑锋,以表彰他在应用分析、计算数学、应用概率,尤其是在解决物理、化学和 ...
近日,美国数学及其应用学会(Institute for Mathematics and its Application,IMA)宣布,将今年的IMA奖授予美国杜克大学数学系副教授鲁剑锋,以表彰他在应用分析、计算数学、应用概率,尤其是在解决物理、化学和材料科学等问题上的贡献[1],“他的研究的独特优势是将先进的数学分析和算法工具与对科学及工程问题的深刻理解结合到一起,”IMA在评选理由中写道。







来源:知识分子  2017-10-07
IMA Prize in Mathematics and its Applications

The IMA Prize in Mathematics and its Applications is awarded annually to a mathematical scientist who received his/her Ph.D. degree within 10 years of the nomination year; for example, for nominations submitted in 2014, candidates should have received their degree in 2004 or later. This award recognizes an individual who has made a transformative impact on the mathematical sciences and their applications. This prize can recognize either a single notable achievement or acknowledge a body of work. Nominations of persons who have visited and conducted research at the IMA are especially encouraged.

The prize consists of a certificate and a cash award of $3,000. The prize is awarded at the opening of an IMA workshop and travel support is provided for the awardee to attend this meeting. The prize winner will be announced on the IMA website. Funding for the IMA Prize in Mathematics and its Applications is made possible by generous donations of friends of the IMA.

Prize Committee
The prize committee consists of five distinguished mathematical scientists who have a history of engagement with the IMA and is appointed by the IMA director in consultation with the IMA Board of Governors; the director designates the committee chair.

Committee members will serve two years with terms staggered so that two or three new members are appointed each year. Committee members may not be nominated during their term and cannot submit nominations. This award will be given to only one individual each year. The committee may elect not to make an award in a particular year if the nominations are not out-standing. Award decisions will require a unanimous vote by the committee. Committee members must declare conflicts of interest before the start of the selection process.

Prize History
2017        Jianfeng Lu (Duke University)
2016        Deanna Needell (Claremont McKenna College) and Rachel Ward (University of Texas at Austin)
2015        Jonathan Weare (University of Chicago)
2014        David Anderson (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

2017 Prize Committee
Radu Balan
Selim Esedoglu
Irene Fonseca
Willard Miller
Bjorn Sandstede

Eligibility & Nominations
The prize is targeted for researchers early in their career. The prize may be awarded to any member of the scientific community who meets award criteria. The prize is typically awarded in the fall of each year. Nominations are sought in March with a deadline of the third Friday of July. Nominations must include a letter of nomination, a current CV of the nominee, and two additional letters of support.






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