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2017-5-25 13:22| 发布者: 博士家园| 查看: 1455| 评论: 0|原作者: math1

摘要: 邵逸夫奖基金会于今天5月23日(星期二)在香港举行新闻发布会,公布今届共有五位科学家获颁奖项,得奖者名单如下。 「邵逸夫奖」设有三个奖项 ...

邵逸夫奖基金会于今天5月23日(星期二)在香港举行新闻发布会,公布今届共有五位科学家获颁奖项,得奖者名单如下。所有资料于香港时间 15:30 (GMT 07:30) 在 www.shawprize.org 网站上载。



天文学奖 颁予
西蒙.怀特 (Simon D M White)


生命科学与医学奖 平均颁予
伊恩.吉本斯 (Ian R Gibbons)
      美国加州大学柏克莱分校分子与细胞生物系客席研究员 和
罗讷德.韦尔 (Ronald D Vale)


数学科学奖 平均颁予
亚诺什.科拉尔 (János Kollár)
     美国普林斯顿大学数学教授 和
克莱尔.瓦赞 (Claire Voisin)






2017年5月23日  香港
http://www.shawprize.org/gb/shaw ... =264&fourid=501
János Kollár, Princeton University, and Claire Voisin, Collège de France, will share the 2017 Shaw Prize in the Mathematical Sciences "for their remarkable results in many central areas of algebraic geometry, which have transformed the field and led to the solution of long-standing problems that had appeared out of reach." (Photo of Kollár: William Crow/Princeton University. Photo of Voisin: © Patrick Imbert/Collège de France.)
János Kollár's most recent work--the definition and study of moduli of higher-dimensional varieties--will influence algebraic geometry deeply in the decades to come, and his ideas have almost defined the field of higher-dimensional moduli. He won the 2006 Cole Prize in Algebra and the 2016 Nemmers Prize. Kollár is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, was a member of the inaugural class of AMS Fellows, and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Claire Voisin solved the Kodaira problem, by demonstrating the existence of compact Kähler manifolds that are not deformations of projective manifolds and in fact aren't homeomorphic to any projective manifold. She also solved Green's Conjecture and found a counterexample to a generalization of the Hodge conjecture. Voisin received the Sophie Germain Prize in 2003 the Satter Prize in 2007, and the CNRS Gold Medal--France's highest scientific research award--in 2016.

The Shaw Prize, which carries with it a monetary award of US$1,200,000, honors individuals who have recently achieved significant breakthroughs in academic and scientific research or applications and whose work has resulted in a positive and profound impact on mankind. (Much of the preceding is based on the Shaw Prize press release.)





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