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2016 Shaw Prize to Nigel J. Hitchin

2016-6-1 21:19| 发布者: 博士家园| 查看: 1040| 评论: 0|原作者: math1

摘要: Tuesday May 31st 2016 Nigel J. Hitchin, Savilian Professor of Geometry at the University of Oxford, is the winner of the 2016 Shaw Prize in the Mathematical Sciences, which carries with it a cash awa ...
Tuesday May 31st 2016

Nigel J. Hitchin, Savilian Professor of Geometry at the University of Oxford, is the winner of the 2016 Shaw Prize in the Mathematical Sciences, which carries with it a cash award of US$1.2 million. Hitchin won the prize for "his far-reaching contributions to geometry, representation theory and theoretical physics. The fundamental and elegant concepts and techniques that he has introduced have had wide impact and are of lasting importance." (Photo: Elyce Winters.) Hitchin is a Fellow of the Royal Society and of the AMS. He received the London Mathematical Society's Pólya Prize in 2002 and served as its president from 1994 to 1996. Read more about his work and the prize. Presentation of the Shaw Prize, awarded annually by the Shaw Prize Foundation, will be at a ceremony in September in Hong Kong.
2016邵逸夫奖揭晓 奖金增至120万美元

中新社香港5月31日电 2016年度邵逸夫奖31日在香港公布得奖者名单,六位来自英国和美国的科学家获奖,每项奖金由原来的100万美元增加至120万美元。颁奖典礼将于今年9月27日举行。


今年的天文学奖平均颁予罗奈尔特·德雷弗(Ronald W P Drever)、基普·索恩(Kip S Thorne)、和雷纳·韦斯(Rainer Weiss),表彰他们对“激光干涉仪重力波观测站”LIGO的构思和设计。LIGO首次直接观测到重力波,为天文探索开创新方法,首先侦测到两个星级质量的黑洞合并。

生命科学与医学奖平均颁予艾德里安·伯德(Adrian P Bird)和胡达·佐格比(Huda Y Zoghbi),表彰他们发现一类基因和蛋白,能够确认染色体脱氧核糖核酸一种可以影响基因调控的化学改变,并确立此基因突变是发育障碍疾病蕾特氏症的主要成因。

数学科学奖颁予奈杰尔·希钦(Nigel J Hitchin),表彰他对几何学、表示论和理论物理学作出的贡献。


2002年成立的邵逸夫奖是国际性奖项,每年颁奖一次,今年为该奖项第13次颁奖。(原标题:六位科学家获2016年度邵逸夫奖 每项奖金增至120万美元)





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