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2016-3-16 18:42| 发布者: 博士家园| 查看: 1645| 评论: 0|原作者: math1

摘要: 挪威科学与文学院15日宣布,将2016年度阿贝尔奖授予英国数学家安德鲁·怀尔斯,以表彰他在证明费马大定理方面所作出的卓越贡献。 挪威科学与文学院在颁奖词中 ... ... ...






作者:梁有昶 张淑惠 来源:新华社 发布时间:2016/3/16 14:17:02
2016 Abel Prize to Sir Andrew J. Wiles
Tuesday March 15th 2016

Sir Andrew J. Wiles, University of Oxford, will receive the 2016 Abel Prize "for his stunning proof of Fermat's Last Theorem by way of the modularity conjecture for semistable elliptic curves, opening a new era in number theory." (Photo by Alain Goriely.)

"On behalf of the American Mathematical Society, it is a great pleasure to congratulate Sir Andrew Wiles, recipient of the 2016 Abel Prize. Professor Wiles’ astonishing breakthroughs in number theory, paving the way for establishing the Modularity Conjecture of Shimura, Taniyama, and Weil, have not only led to a new era in the theory of elliptic curves but have solved long-standing famous problems, such as Fermat’s Last Theorem, and inspired some of the most remarkable advances in mathematics in the last 100 years. Dr. Wiles fundamental work in number theory has implications far beyond its deep consequences in pure mathematics, deepening our understanding of some of the most fundamental algorithms that underlie communications in our modern world and providing enormous benefits to our society and our world."  --- Robert Bryant, AMS President.
"The tantalizing suggestion of a proof was fantastic bait to the many generations of mathematicians who tried and failed to find one," writes Alex Bellos. "By the time Wiles was a boy Fermat's Last Theorem had become the most famous unsolved problem in mathematics, and proving it was considered, by consensus, well beyond the reaches of available conceptual tools." In 1993 Wiles announced a proof of the theorem, which was later found to contain an error. He and his former student Richard Taylor worked for a year and eventually corrected the proof. The Abel Committee says: "Few results have as rich a mathematical history and as dramatic a proof as Fermat’s Last Theorem." See Gerd Faltings' article in Notices, "The Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem," by R. Taylor and A. Wiles (August 1995) and PBS's NOVA's, "The Proof," (see details with a link to an interview with Wiles on his life and work on the problem).

Andrew J. Wiles has been awarded a number of major prizes in mathematics and science, including the Rolf Schock Prize, the Ostrowski Prize, the Wolf Prize, the Royal Medal of the Royal Society, the U.S. National Academy of Science's Award in Mathematics, and the Shaw Prize. In 1998 (when Wiles was over the age limit for the Fields Medal), the International Mathematical Union presented him with a silver plaque, the only time they have ever done so. In 2000 he was given a knighthood. Wiles is a Fellow of the Royal Society, a foreign member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and of the French Academy of Sciences. He received the AMS Frank Nelson Cole Prize in Algebra in 1997 "for his work on the Shimura-Taniyama conjecture and Fermat's Last Theorem," published in "Modular elliptic curves and Fermat's Last Theorem," Annals of Mathematics 141 (1995), 443–551.

The Abel Prize, awarded annually since 2003 by the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters, recognizes contributions of extraordinary depth and influence to the mathematical sciences. It carries a cash award of NOK 6,000,000 (approximately US$900,000, or EUR 800,000 ). Find more information about Sir Andrew Wiles and the Abel Prize .

From AMS.





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